Image of #POOMINISTER Tony Abbott Toilet Paper (single roll)

#POOMINISTER Tony Abbott Toilet Paper (single roll)



Quality novelty toilet paper by Wacky Wipes, 100% safe and durable. Guaranteed to take care of even the nastiest, VB flavoured grog bog. Don't be shy, Tony can take it!

Wacky Wipes are the gift that keeps on giving, flush after flush.

- Share a square with an ABC watching Liberal-bashing mates!
- Plant a roll in the in-laws dunny for maximum lols!
- Or even better, at the Business faculty toilet block at Melbourne Uni!
- Keep a roll in your tool box for when nature calls you to the site porta-loo!
- Decorate your local member's office exterior!

You too can stop the floats, with Wacky Wipes.

If you'd like to enquire about a bulk order, please give us a call on 0414 713 331